Should You Replace or Repair Your Heat Pump in Palm Desert, CA?

When your air conditioner breaks down, you have two options to continue enjoying your indoor comfort: repair or replace the system. Unfortunately, deciding whether to continue fixing your system or getting a new one is not simple. Below, we will guide you on how to decide whether to replace or repair your air conditioner in Palm Desert, CA.

Frequency of Repairs

Air conditioner breakdowns are common. It is because your system is in regular use, so it’s normal for its components to undergo wear and tear. The system should go back to optimal performance after your technician repairs it.

If the breakdowns occur only once in a while, it would not be a good idea to replace your air conditioner. However, if the unit breaks down multiple times in a short period, there is no need to continue repairing it. Breakdowns result in AC downtime, and if your system breaks down often, your family will have to endure frequent interruptions to their comfort.

Repair Costs

Different AC components have varying repair costs. For instance, replacing worn-out belts is not pricey; therefore, you can replace these components and continue using your current air conditioner.

On the other hand, replacing more complex parts, such as a compressor, is costly. Instead of replacing one overly expensive component, it may be best to replace your air conditioner.

Air Conditioner’s Age

Unfortunately, your air conditioner will not offer efficient performance forever. Eventually, it will give in to wear and tear, and efficiency will gradually drop.

If your system is old, repairs will only improve your heat pump’s efficiency for a short time. The long-term solution is to replace it. The rule of thumb is to get a replacement if your heat pump is over ten years old, according to ENERGY STAR.

We will eliminate all your system’s issues to keep it working efficiently. Call Palm Desert Air Conditioning and Heating Co. for professional heat pump service in Palm Desert, CA.

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