3 Strange Air Conditioner Noises You Shouldn’t Ignore

When you crank up the air conditioner in your La Quinta, California, home and hear a strange noise, it can be very concerning. Some of the noises your air conditioner makes are normal while others mean you need immediate service. It’s important you understand the difference. Here are some strange air conditioner noises you may hear:

Gurgling Sounds

If your air conditioner is on and you hear a gurgling noise like water going down a drain, the likely culprit is a refrigerant leak. You should call a professional to fix the leak as soon as possible because the refrigerant could make its way into your home or system and cause major moisture damage.

Banging Noise

When you notice a banging noise coming from inside your air conditioner, it can be very startling, and it usually means there’s a problem with your air compressor. Your compressor could be damaged or there may be a part that’s come loose. A service technician will be able to examine your compressor and tell you if repairs are possible or if you need a replacement.

Buzzing Sounds

Buzzing is one of the most common noises you’ll hear coming from your air conditioner. Numerous issues can cause a buzzing noise. For example, it’s possible you’re hearing a buzzing noise because the fan blades in your air conditioner have come loose. A dirty condenser coil and loose parts in your system can also cause buzzing noises. It’s also possible that there could be debris in your air conditioner.

If you hear one of these strange noises coming from your air conditioner and want to schedule an AC repair, call the experts at Palm Desert Air Conditioning and Heating Co. today at 760-610-0297. One of our service technicians will come to your home to examine your system and quickly diagnose the issue.

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