3 Questions to Ask an HVAC Technician in Bermuda Dunes, CA

Whether you’re having maintenance done on the HVAC system in your Bermuda Dunes, California, home, or you need a new system installed, it’s important to know what to ask your HVAC technician during the process. Asking the right questions can help you understand what is going on with your HVAC and know what to expect.

Should I Install a Smart Thermostat?

In today’s tech-focused world, more home appliances are becoming "smart." A smart thermostat is a great addition to any home because it provides better control over the atmosphere and indoor temperature while maximizing energy savings. By asking your HVAC technician about smart thermostats during a visit, you can find out which units might work with your system and understand the features of each option.

How Can I Improve My Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor air quality is a problem that impacts people all over the nation. You might have dirty indoor air if you or your family members experience headaches, congestion, eye irritation, or sore throats that seem to disappear when you leave the house. Other warning signs of polluted air include excess dust and unpleasant odors.

If you’re concerned about the quality of the air in your home, talking to an experienced HVAC technician is the best option. They can provide you with options and solutions that will improve the air quality, such as ventilators, purifiers, and air duct cleaning service.

How Often Should My HVAC System Be Tuned Up?

As a homeowner, it’s important for you to schedule regular maintenance. Every unit has its own unique requirements, although most manufacturers recommend having the furnace tuned up every fall and the air conditioner every spring. Talk to your HVAC technician to find out how often yours should be maintained and then keep up with that schedule to protect your unit.

If you have more questions about preventive maintenance, contact Palm Desert Air Conditioning and Heating Co. today.

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